Hello you, thanks for dropping my site, you must be looking out for a female instructor or looking at picking up some survivor skills. Here, you will find suitable swimming packages for anyone, young or old, from learning how to swim, to swim test preparation for your scuba diving course to life saving courses.
Feel free to contact us should you wish to embark your learning journey with Coach Karyne or her recommendations.
Coach Karyne


Patient and Passionate.
'I treat your goal as mine, I do not give up until you do.'
"I was an adult learner who went through professional learning and of course like many of you, I dealt with some scary moments both physically and psychologically too!
I am one dream chaser who took the leap of faith to leave my corporate desk of a decade to pursue my love for sea/water sports and in teaching to help others achieve their resolution of the year. Through my fun coaching sessions. I have since made many friends with my students and am humbled to be an influential figure to many.
My experiences are substantial, I developed my own unique and effective teaching methods and course outline for every stroke style in a systematic manner suitable for every individuals.
My success secrets are what I am known for; My patience and passion for teaching.
Hope to see you around at the pool!
Coach Karyne💖
New: Catch my lesson vibe on Instagram stories!